Get All content types from ContentTypeHub using SharePoint Rest API v2 using JavaScript
Why get the content type from Content Type Hub(CTH )? Content Type Hub is a centralized location where we manage and publish content types to other web applications. Content Type Hub is actually a Site Collection. "In simple words, it is one place where you get to manage all the content type present in a tenant." To get all the Content Type from ContentTypeHub using REST API V2.* becomes easy now. It involves only the following two steps: Get the site ID of the ContentTypeHub https:// {YourtenantURL} /sites/contentTypeHub/_api/site Get all content types https:// {YourtenantURL} /_api/v2.1/sites/ {siteID of ContentTypeHub} /contentTypes Step 1: I am g etting the site ID of the ContentTypeHub by calling the REST API. As this is still from V1.0 endpoint, after '/api' , there is no need to mention the endpoint version. In the success method, I am calling the method getAllContentTypes which will get the content types. var siteURL=_spPageContextInfo.s...